Covid-19 infections rise with 339 new cases

A total 339 new coronavirus infections were recorded on Thursday, raising the country’s total to beyond 7,000. Lagos reported 139 of the new infections and Kano 28, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control said. Oyo also reported 28 new infections. Other states reported lower number of infections: 25-Edo 22-Katsina 18-Kaduna 14-Jigawa 13-Yobe 13-Plateau 11-FCT 8-Gombe 5-Ogun 4-Bauchi 4-Nasarawa 3-Delta 2-Ondo 1-Rivers 1-Adamawa. 

The country’s total stands at 7,016. Fresh discharges raised the number of people discharged from hospital to 1,907. The death toll stands at 211.