A’Ibom discharges two COVID-19 patients

Akwa Ibom has discharged two COVID-19 patients from its medical facilities after been certified negative by the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).
The State Incident Manager and Commissioner for Health, Dr. Dominic Ukpong, stated at the weekend that the two discharged patients bring to 16, the total number of those treated and discharged in the state.
Ukpong explained that Governor Udom Emmanuel has expended so much in healthcare delivery and emergency operations, which he said account for the 100% recovery rate in the state.
The Commissioner argued the activities of persons who sneaked into the state under the guises of bringing in livestock and other food items probably accounted for the huge figures recorded in the last few days.
He said the increased number of cases in the state and applauded the health management officials for being responsive and dedicated to their duties.

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He maintained the Governor had swiftly responded with a ban on movements of livestock into the state, as well as the installation of surveillance cameras at entry points into the state.
The Commissioner, who was flanked by the Professor of Respiratory Medicine and former Chief Medical Director of University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Prof Etete Peters, revealed that there has been cases of people arriving the COVID -19 emergency centre with other symptoms because of the free treatment offered by the State Government.
Akwa Ibom has so far recorded two deaths from the pandemic from a total of 45 confirmed by the NCDC.

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