PDP decries alleged shooting at Presidential Villa

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has decried the alleged shooting and security breach which reportedly took place at the Presidential Villa during week.
The party said it was alarmed by the report, which was allegedly triggered by squabbles involving some members of President Muhammadu Buhari’s immediate family and some of his personal aides.
In a statement on Saturday by the spokesman for the PDP, Kola Ologbondiyan, the party expressed worry that the protracted feud between the First Lady, Mrs Aisha Buhari and some aides of the President
The PDP is deeply worried that the protracted spat between the First Lady, Aisha Buhari, and aides of President Muhammadu Buhari has now degenerated into violent combats, raids and free use of firearms within the Presidential Villa.
The party described as distressing, the report that members of Mr. President’s family were at the scene of the assault against one of President Buhari’s aides, during which the First Lady’s security details were alleged to have resorted to the use of firearms.
The statement said, “Our party is disturbed by such ugly situation in the Buhari Presidency, which has already heightened apprehensions in the public space over the apparent failure of security architecture and central command system in the Presidency, leading to such reckless and irresponsible breaches.
“The chaotic situation in the Presidential Villa only points to the failure by President Buhari to provide a leadership that can guarantee orderliness in governance and effectively ensure the security of our nation.

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“The PDP notes that such leadership failure at the highest level has further exposed why our nation has been bedeviled by myriads of security and economic problems under President Buhari’s watch in the last five years.
“More worrisome is that the Buhari Presidency had failed to speak out on the frightening situation so as to reassure Nigerians and douse the tension in the polity; especially at this critical time when our nation is facing serious security challenges”
The main opposition party called on President Buhari to take immediate steps to restore order in his Presidency and shield the nation’s security system from the division and power tussle among persons close to him.
The PDP also demanded for an immediate inquest into the security breaches as well as the alleged violation of COVID-19 ban on inter-state travels by officials and relations of Mr. President, which was reported to be one of the immediate causes of clash.
The party urged the National Assembly to save the nation by wading into the persistent infighting in the Presidency, especially as those in charge of the Presidential Villa have not demonstrated the required capacity to engender the needed orderliness for productive governance.
The First Lady, was quoted in a media report on Saturday to have called on the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu to release her ADC that was allegedly arrested and detained over the fracas.