Nigerians react as man assaults wife, posts pictures on Facebook

There was outrage on Thursday over a man, Afobaje Maiyegun, who assaulted his man and braggged about it on Facebook.

Maiyegun took to his Facebook account to announce he assaulted his wife and posted pictures of the battered woman.

The wife, in the pictures, was in a pool of her blood.

Maiyegun wrote on his Facebook page: “I beat my wife and am waiting for her police because I talk to a woman.”

His post attracted angry reactions with many condemning him for not only beating up his wife but having the effontery to post his wife’s bloody face on social media.

Esom Vargilus responded: “Why did you beat your wife? You said you talked to a woman, yet it depends on what you discussed with the woman you talked to. Remember beating her up can not and will never solve the problems. Next time take a civilized approach.”

Dabio Michael condemned the action saying: “This is very very bad, even if she misbehaves you don’t need to beat her this way talk less of posting it. if you no what’s good for you, better delete it now…”

Bolanle Jerrison described the action as cowardice.